quintillion$66236$ - meaning and definition. What is quintillion$66236$
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What (who) is quintillion$66236$ - definition

Centillion; Quadrillion; Quattuordecillion; Quintillion; Sextillion; Duotrigintillion; Billiard (number); Duotrigintillon; Octillion; Septillion; Decillion; Undecillion; Duodecillion; Tretrigintillion; Tredecillion; Quindecillion; Trigintillion; Trilliard; Centilliard; Quinquagintilliard; Sexdecilliard; Septendecillion; Decilliard; Sexdecillion; Googolminex; Vigintillion; Sexagintillion; Thousand million million; Novemnonagintillion; Cenuntillion; Ducentillion; Trecentillion; Names of very large numbers; Corporalplex; Octodecillion; Novemdecillion; Quadragintillion; Quinquagintillion; Septuagintillion; Octogintillion; Nonagintillion; Duocentillion; Centretillion; Novemtrigintillion; Unvigintillion; 10^15 (number); 10^12 (number); Quintoquadagintillion; Thousand billion; Quadrilliard; Thousand trillion; Googolplexian; Sextilliard; Quatorquinquagintillion; Thousand quadrillion; Googleplexian; Duovigintillion; Octovigintillion; Septenvigintillion; Sexvigintillion; Quinvigintillion; Quattuorvigintillion; Trevigintillion; Novemvigintillion; Untrigintillion; Quattuortrigintillion; Quintrigintillion; Sextrigintillion; Septentrigintillion; Octotrigintillion; Quartillion; Largest named number; Quintillionth; Nonillion; Novemnonagintilliard; Quinquagintaquadringentilliard; Nongentillion; Octingentillion; Tetrillion; Googolplexplex; Millinillion; Sexillion; Tresvigintillion; Quinquavigintillion; Sesvigintillion; Septemvigintillion; Octogintacentillion; Googolduplex; Words for large numbers; Sexdillion; Quadrillions; Highest named number; Secdecillion; Sexdicillion; Hextillion; Names for large numbers; Numbers over centillion; Names of big numbers; Draft:List of big numbers in order; 10^10^10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; Number with 303 zeros; Femtillion; Attillion; Zeptillion; Micrillion; Nanillion; Yoctillion; Xonillion; Vecillion; Mecillion; Icosillion; Trecillion; Tetrecillion; Pentecillion; Hexecillion; Heptecillion; Octecillion; Ennecillion; Duecillion; Killillion; Hectillion; Picillion
  • 500px

·noun According to the French method of numeration (which method is followed also in the United States) the number expressed by a unit with twenty-seven ciphers annexed. According to the English method, the number expressed by a unit with forty-eight ciphers annexed. ·see Numeration.
10^30 in Europe (this is called a nonillion in the United States and Canada). 10^18 in the United States and Canada (this is called a trillion in Europe). [Collins dictionary].
·noun According to the English notation, a million involved to the tenth power, or a unit with sixty ciphers annexed; according to the French and American notation, a thousand involved to the eleventh power, or a unit with thirty-three ciphers annexed. [See the Note under Numeration.].


Names of large numbers

Two naming scales for large numbers have been used in English and other European languages since the early modern era: the long and short scales. Most English variants use the short scale today, but the long scale remains dominant in many non-English-speaking areas, including continental Europe and Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America. These naming procedures are based on taking the number n occurring in 103n+3 (short scale) or 106n (long scale) and concatenating Latin roots for its units, tens, and hundreds place, together with the suffix -illion.

Names of numbers above a trillion are rarely used in practice; such large numbers have practical usage primarily in the scientific domain, where powers of ten are expressed as 10 with a numeric superscript.

Indian English does not use millions, but has its own system of large numbers including lakhs and crores. English also has many words, such as "zillion", used informally to mean large but unspecified amounts; see indefinite and fictitious numbers.